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If you’ve been arrested for drunk driving in Lawndale, you need to defend yourself. The legal consequences for DUI are tougher than ever before. Even a first time conviction now carries the threat of jail time, as well as massive fines, a suspended driver’s license and mandatory DUI education classes. You cannot afford to take the charge lightly.
A Lawndale DUI lawyer can help you. DUI lawyers are more than just your legal representative. They are your counsel in a difficult system, and they know how to help you get through it. They understand how each judge and prosecutor approaches DUI cases, and they understand the strategies that can help you defeat your DUI charge. A good Los Angeles DUI lawyer may be able to help you avoid jail, get the charges reduced or even win your case completely.
Consequences for DUI in Lawndale
DUI is not a minor traffic violation. It’s classes as a misdemeanor crime, and it’s one of the most expensive misdemeanors there is. Fines and fees for DUI have skyrocketed over the years, and a single conviction in the Lawndale area can now cost up to $15,649. This can be devastating to the driver who’s been arrested, but to the City of Lawndale it’s big money. Law enforcement in the area work to get as many DUI arrests as possible, and the fines that come out of the cases serve as revenue for local government. The courts show little sympathy.
Under California law, DUI penalties get tougher the more previous convictions you have. But even a first time DUI is not easy. The penalties include:
- Fines and fees. The cost of a DUI has become oppressive. Besides the criminal fine, you’ll also be ordered to pay a variety of administrative fees. Together, they add up to a minimum of $1800, and can be thousands of dollars more.
- Jail.Even a first time DUI can carry jail time, with a minimum two day sentence. The sentence could range up to six months.
- Driver’s license suspension. If convicted of DUI you will lose your license. The court could take it away for several months or up to a year.
- DUI school. You’ll be ordered into an education program that lasts three months and costs hundreds more on its own.
- You will remain on DUI probation for years after your sentence is served.
If you have previous DUI’s within the last 10 years, the penalties you face are much worse. They could include up to a year in jail, 16 months in prison, tens of thousands of dollars in costs, and years of license suspension and DUI classes. A DUI conviction can affect your for the rest of your life.
What Happens After a DUI Arrest?
Lawndale is policed primarily by the County Sheriff. You could also be arrested by the California Highway Patrol out of South Los Angeles. In most cases, you will be processed and put in jail overnight at the Sheriff’s South Los Angeles Station and released the next day. As soon as you are released, you face a legal process that moves quickly and has many deadlines.
The three most important deadlines in a DUI case are:
- The arraignment. An arraignment is a short hearing before a judge, where you enter your plea. It’s held anywhere from several days to several weeks after your arrest. You should consider this your firm deadline for getting a good lawyer. If you show up at the arraignment with a respected DUI attorney, the prosecutor will know you’re serious about fighting the case every step of the way. You may be able to get a better deal immediately.
- The DMV hearing. After your arrest your have only 10 days to fight for your license. The 10 days are the deadline for requesting a hearing with the DMV. If you don’t, your license will be put on administrative suspension meaning you can’t drive. If you request a hearing, your lawyer can represent you and fight for your license on your behalf.
- The trial. Your trial will be held at Torrance Courthouse only 30 to 45 days after your arrest. That may sound like a lot of time, but it’s not. This is the time your lawyer must use to research the evidence against you and find holes in it. It’s also when they will pressure the prosecutor to offer you a way out. The earlier you can get a lawyer the better.
Do I Need a Lawyer for a DUI Case?
There is no law requiring you to get a lawyer. However, speaking to an attorney may be the best thing you do for your case. A good DUI attorney devotes their entire practice exclusively to drunk driving and related cases. They work methodically to weaken the case against you and give you as much leverage as possible. This can include:
- Protecting your rights. Police have to follow strict procedures when they pull someone over, arrest them, search their vehicle and question them. If police broke these procedures they may have violated your rights, and the evidence cannot be used against you.
- Challenging the test. Breath tests, blood tests and urine tests are all flawed. Breath tests depend on a machine that may not be calibrated right and blood/urine tests depend on labs that don’t always follow procedures. If any of these is a factor in your case, your lawyer may be able to get the test results dismissed.
- Hard negotiation. One of the biggest advantages of a DUI lawyer is being able to bargain with the prosecution on an even footing. A good DUI lawyer may be able to get a DUI reduced to reckless driving or even get the prosecutor to completely drop the case.
Talk to a Lawndale DUI Lawyer for Free
We believe you should have the best defense possible. We can connect you with a Lawndale area DUI attorney free of charge. We work only with the most experienced DUI lawyers and every lawyer we work with offers a FREE consultation. This is your chance to get a professional legal opinion and find out your options for your case.
Don’t wait until it’s too late. Defend yourself. Fill out the form to the right or call (310) 896-2724 and get your FREE consultation now.