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Glendora takes DUI charges very seriously. A DUI is no longer just a ticket—it’s a criminal offense that can lead to jail time, a suspended license, and thousands of dollars of fines. In many cases a single DUI charge can permanently affect your career and future. If you’ve been arrested for DUI, you need to fight back.
A Glendora DUI lawyer can help you do that. DUI lawyers in Los Angeles understand the legal system and the type of evidence most likely to win a DUI case. They also understand that you did not set out to hurt anyone. In the entire legal process, your lawyer is the only individual who is truly on your side. They may be able to win your case, get your DUI reduced to a lesser charge, or save you substantial money in fines and fees.
How Much Does a DUI Cost in Glendora?
DUI charges have become some of the most expensive misdemeanors on the books. Penalties for DUI have consistently gotten tougher over the past few decades. As fines rise, local government increasingly sees DUI arrests as a way to make money. The City of Glendlora and the Glendora Police participate in DUI crackdowns that last weeks at a time.
But the penalties for DUI include more than just fines. California state law establishes a slew of penalties for even a first time DUI. These include:
- License suspension. A first time DUI offender will have their license suspended for a minimum of several months. In many cases they must go up to a year without driving.
- Jail. Judges increasingly impose jail time as part of DUI sentences. For a first offense the minimum is two days, and the maximum is six months behind bars.
- DUI school. All DUI offenders must now complete a special traffic and safety course known as DUI school. The shortest class is three months and costs $500 or more.
- Fines and fees. Even if you’re given the minimum fine of $390, you will also face special fees from the court. The true minimum for a first time offender is about $1,800. The maximum is staggering—it can be up to $15,649.
- Probation. You will face probation which could have its own conditions, such as mandatory drug or alcohol treatment.
If you have previous DUI’s on your record, the penalties are even stricter. You could spend up to a year in jail, could be sent to state prison, and could go years with no driver’s license. The fees also get steeper, and can easily go into the tens of thousands of dollars.
What Happens after You’re Arrested for DUI in Glendora?
Your DUI could have begun with an arrest by the Glendora Police, the LA County Sheriff, or State Troopers out of the Baldwin Park office. In most cases you will be booked at the Glendora Jail managed by the Glendora Police Jail Bureau. At this point you are locked into Glendora’s legal system and you need to think about your future.
DUI cases involve several tight legal deadlines. How you handle these deadlines can affect your life for years to come. You need to take action to defend yourself at each stage. The major deadlines in your case include:
- Your DMV hearing. From the date of your arrest you have just 10 days to request a hearing with the California DMV. If you don’t do this you will lose your license. This form of license suspension is known as administrative suspension and if you miss the deadline you have no way to avoid it. Ask your DUI lawyer to file the request for you. They can also represent you at the hearing and fight for your right to drive.
- Your arraignment. Within roughly two weeks of your arrest you will have a court hearing known as an arraignment. This is not a trial—it’s purely a first step where you enter your plea of Guilty or Not Guilty. However, it’s also an opportunity. The prosecution will attend this hearing and will get a chance to see how you handle yourself in court and whether you have legal representation. If you have a reputable DUI lawyer with you, they’ll worry that they may not win the case. This is often when the prosecution starts to consider offering you a deal or a reduced charge. It’s often far better than what you were first offered after your arrest.
- Your trial. Glendora’s DUI cases are heard at the West Covina Courthouse, usually within 30 to 45 days of your arrest. However, you may not have to go to trial at all. Your lawyer will work to win your case for you long before the trial date. They may be able to get the charges dropped or reduced to something less serious.
Can a Glendora DUI Lawyer Beat a DUI?
DUI lawyers routinely win cases for their clients. A win can be anything from a full on courtroom victory, to a case that’s quietly dismissed by the judge. A lawyer fights for these victories by picking away at the prosecution’s evidence. This includes:
- Breath and blood tests. Breathalyzers are sensitive machines, and if they are not maintained or calibrated properly the results may not be admitted to court. Blood and urine tests can be rejected if lab protocols were not followed to a T. Your lawyer can challenge this evidence.
- Police testimony. Police frequently make mistakes. From the initial report to the DMV hearing to the courtroom, your lawyer will look for inconsistencies or bias in the officers’ statements. They may be able to discredit the officer altogether.
- Statements you made. If your rights were violated during questioning, the statements you made may not be used against you.
If your DUI lawyer can pull apart enough of the evidence, the prosecutor is no longer assured of a victory and will often come to the bargaining table. And throwing out some key evidence can get your entire case dropped. That means you walk away free and clear.
Talk to a Glendora DUI Lawyer for Free
We can match you with a Glendora area lawyer who works exclusively on DUI. Your lawyer will give you a FREE meeting, where they will go over the details of your case and advise you of the best steps you can take legally. This meeting may be the most valuable 60 minutes of your entire DUI process.
One DUI can ruin a life for years. Don’t face it alone. Fill out the form to the right or call (310) 896-2724 and get your FREE meeting today.