When you get a DUI in Los Angeles, you can expect to be arrested and held in police custody. There’s no question that getting a DUI is a scary proposition. After all, prosecutors are often adamant about DUI convictions for those who operated a vehicle under the influence.
Furthermore, a DUI conviction can mean you owe thousands of dollars in fines and fees. Plus, the court might impose additional costs as part of the consequences for driving while intoxicated. This type of conviction could also mean time behind bars.
If you’re facing a potential DUI in Los Angeles conviction, don’t wait to see how well the system will treat you on your own. Schedule a free consultation with a Los Angeles DUI lawyer as soon as possible.
What to Expect During an Initial Interaction With a Police Officer
One of two situations is likely to happen. You’ll either get pulled over by the police or you’ll enter a DUI checkpoint, whether knowingly or not. If an officer approaches you, they will likely start looking for objective signs that you have been drinking.
This includes checking to see if your eyes are bloodshot, determining if you smell like alcohol, deciding if slurred speech is present, or seeing an alcoholic drink in your car. If law enforcement suspects you have been drinking, the officer will ask you to step out of your vehicle.
From there, you will be asked to perform certain tests, including field sobriety tests and preliminary alcohol screening (PAS) tests. The officer will use your performance during these tests to determine if there is probable cause to arrest you.
What Happens After You’re Arrested When You Get a DUI in Los Angeles?
After getting arrested for a DUI, the police will confiscate your license and take you to either the nearest hospital or the local police station. From there, you’ll be given a formal breath or blood test to determine your blood alcohol concentration (BAC).
While you were allowed to refuse these tests, your refusal can be grounds for additional penalties under California law. Following your arrest, you will be held in the local jail until you can be brought before a judge. This is typically the next day in most cases.
However, it can be closer to 48 hours or more if you are arrested on a weekend. The arraignment process is your chance to enter your plea. If you have a lawyer, they may attend the arraignment to speak on your behalf.
License Suspension
After your license is taken away, the DMV will notify you of its administrative suspension process. You will have 10 days from the date of your arrest to request a hearing. Failing to request a hearing will mean that your license will be suspended for a minimum of four months.
The suspension may be longer, depending on the circumstances of your case, so it’s important to act fast. Please note that your license will be suspended regardless of whether or not the criminal charges are dropped.
If you request a hearing, it will be scheduled about 30 days after your arrest date. Depending on your preferences, the hearing can take place over the phone or in person.
If you hire an attorney, they can be present during the trial and conduct a defense on your behalf. This hearing might be considered a practice attempt for your criminal trial, which could vastly improve your chances of a better outcome in court.
If you don’t enter a guilty plea beforehand, you will have a trial within 45 days or so of your arrest. This is a full criminal trial, and it’s often complete with a 12-person jury. The prosecution will present their case, and you will have a chance to defend yourself.
Your lawyer can implement California DUI strategies to minimize your penalties as much as possible. From there, the jury will decide whether you are guilty or not guilty. If they find you guilty of your charges, the judge will determine your penalties.
Potential Penalties for a Los Angeles DUI Conviction
The specific penalties that you’ll face following a DUI will depend on the unique facts of your case. To give you an idea of what you’re up against, here are three common penalties for those charged with driving while under the influence:
- Mandatory DUI education classes
- Jail time
- Fines and court assessment fees
The severity of these penalties—along with any others you might face—may rest on the following factors:
- Whether or not you are underage
- If you have previous DUIs on your record
- Your refusal to comply with a chemical test after your arrest
- If anyone was injured while the court deemed that you were under the influence
- Having an underage passenger in your vehicle at the time of your arrest
These factors—either individually or together—can significantly affect how harshly you’re punished.
How a DUI Conviction Can Impact Your Daily Life
A DUI conviction doesn’t only result in fines or jail time. It can also have serious long-term consequences on your everyday routine. For example, you may face difficulties commuting to work if your license is suspended, which can affect your ability to earn an income.
Additionally, a DUI conviction can raise your insurance premiums, making it more expensive for you to drive even after your suspension period ends. Beyond the financial strain, a DUI on your record may hinder future employment opportunities or professional licensing opportunities, too.
Working with a Los Angeles DUI attorney can help minimize the disruptions you face and increase your chances of protecting your future.
Reach Out to a Los Angeles DUI Attorney as Soon as Possible
DUIs are criminal charges that can—and often will—follow you for years to come. However, you have every right to seek representation by an attorney. While the state will aggressively pursue a conviction, you deserve to have someone on your side who stands up for your rights.
With an attorney referred to you by Los Angeles DUI Lawyer on your side, you might be able to pursue a reduced penalty or a dismissal of the charges against you. To explore the options available to you, call now to get connected with a law firm and discuss what they can do to help you.