Huntington Beach Police Schedule DUI Checkpoint for Next Week

The Orange County Tribune reports that the Huntington Beach Police Department recently announced that it will hold a DUI checkpoint within Huntington Beach City limits from 6:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 17.

A spokesperson for the law enforcement agency said that checkpoint locations are based on those with a history of DUI crashes and arrests. The Huntington Beach Police Department (HBPD) reminds the public that the purpose of DUI checkpoints is not to increase the number of arrests but rather to promote public safety, to deter potential intoxicated drivers from getting behind the wheel, and to remove those under the influence from our streets and highways.

In the statement, the HBPD said that impaired driving can be not just from alcohol but also from marijuana, some prescription, and even over-the-counter drugs. While marijuana for medical and recreational use is legal in California, driving under the influence of marijuana or other cannabis products is considered illegal. 

Suppose you plan on drinking or taking drugs that may interfere with your ability to operate a motor vehicle safely. In that case, it is better to stay at home or designate a responsible, sober driver.

A DUI charge can cost $13,500 in fines and penalties. A DUI conviction will also result in a suspended or revoked license for a year.

The funding for this and other similar checkpoints around the state is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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