Drug Addiction Treatment for DUI

If you are convicted of a DUI involving drugs, you may be required to attend an addiction treatment program.

Addiction treatment is sometimes used as an alternative to jail time in Los Angeles DUI cases. If your DUI involved drugs, there are several types of addiction programs you could be ordered into. All of these programs are viewed as a compassionate option, because they help you get over the addiction and return to normal life. Of course, not all DUI drivers have an addiction in the first place, and judges don’t always use this option. But when they do, it’s usually better than hard jail time.

There are three main types of programs:

  • Weekly meetings. These are meetings designed in the same format as AA meetings, but specifically meant for drug users. There are many different organizations, each with their own approach.
  • Rehab or detox. Rehab is a medical facility where you are checked in and go through a detox/withdrawal process. You are supervised by staff who look out for your health as you get the drugs out of your system.
  • A group home. Also known as a sober living environment, this is a residence where you live long-term and get support such as counseling and job placement services.

Although the judge chooses the type of program, you can choose the specific group or facility where you complete it. We have resources to help you choose your program here: How do you choose a treatment program if I’m ordered into one for a Los Angeles DUI?

Have you been charged with DUI? We can connect you with an experienced Los Angeles DUI lawyer and get you a FREE consultation. Fill out the form to the right or call (310) 896-2724 and get your free consultation today.

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