You can be a bartender with a DUI, but it can be challenging. To work as a bartender, California requires you to obtain a bartending license, and this can be difficult when you have a DUI. You cannot receive this license if you are currently on parole or probation for your DUI or any other criminal charge.
You will not qualify for a bartending license if you have certain state or federal criminal charges, as well. DUI charges can make finding any kind of job difficult, which is why you should take your defense seriously after a drunk driving arrest. A Los Angeles DUI lawyer can protect you from a serious conviction and explain if you can bartend with a DUI.
How to Be a Bartender With a DUI
According to California law, you have to meet certain requirements to be able to bartend. For example, the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) mandates that you must complete the Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Training Program to receive your bartending license.
Having a DUI on your records does not necessarily disqualify you from this training and licensing process. That said, you will have to wait until you have completed any parole or probation period to undergo training. A common condition of probation for a DUI is that you are prohibited from entering drinking establishments.
Aside from a DUI, other state or federal criminal charges on your record can prevent you from ever becoming a bartender in California, though. Meet with an attorney today to find out if you can be a bartender with a DUI.
Expungement May Be an Option if You Want to Bartend With a DUI
If you already have a DUI conviction on your record, a lawyer may be able to help minimize its effect on your career through expungement. Expungement is a legal process that may remove your DUI from your criminal record. However, expungement does not remove the DUI from your record with the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
To become a bartender with a DUI, you must petition the court to have your DUI expunged. To get an expungement, you must have completed your probation period and fulfilled all your terms of probation, such as:
- Paying your DUI fines
- Completing community service
- Completing a drug and alcohol counseling program
Not everyone will qualify for expungement, and the final decision rests with the courts. Expungement is not a quick process, either. You will have to undergo a waiting period, and this legal process can also be costly. Once your DUI is expunged from your record, you do not have to report it to an employer during an interview.
A DUI Can Prevent You From Gaining Other Professional Licenses and Finding Employment
Having a DUI makes becoming a bartender and finding other forms of employment very difficult. Aside from bartending, you could find it challenging to secure or maintain employment in any other industry with a DUI. Certain professions, like nursing, teaching, and being a commercial driver, require mandatory reporting of a DUI conviction.
After you report your DUI, you may face suspension and probation for months or even years. You could even lose your professional license. Furthermore, a DUI conviction can present challenges when seeking a new career.
Some academic institutions refuse admittance to people with DUIs on their records. Even if you do get accepted into a program, a DUI might affect your ability to get scholarships or financial aid. Employers also conduct background checks and may have policies against hiring someone with a DUI. Looking for a new job is stressful enough without having to deal with this worry.
If you are facing DUI charges, you should begin working on your case immediately. A DUI attorney can help you mitigate the impact that a drunk driving defense has on your career and provide the information you need to become a bartender with a DUI.
Other Consequences of a DUI
If you are facing DUI charges, it’s understandable to wonder whether you can bartend with a DUI or find other jobs. That said, employability is only one of your concerns after a DUI arrest. California takes driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol seriously. Depending on the circumstances in your case, you could be facing harsh penalties.
Here’s a breakdown of potential penalties:
- First offense: if this is your first DUI, you might face a fine of up to $1,000 and a maximum of six months in jail.
- Second offense: For a second DUI, penalties could include a fine of up to $1,000 and up to a year behind bars.
- Third offense: If this is your third DUI offense, you could be looking at a fine of up to $1,800 and up to a year in jail.
Beyond these fines and potential jail time, there are additional consequences, such as a driver’s license suspension or revocation. You don’t have to face this situation alone, though. You have a right to hire a lawyer to build your defense and represent you in court.
An attorney can answer any questions you may have about becoming a bartender with a DUI and build a robust DUI defense strategy for you. No matter how serious your charges are, you can count on an experienced lawyer to protect your best interests throughout the legal process.
How an Attorney Can Help You After a Drunk Driving Arrest
If you’ve been arrested for drunk driving and are wondering if you can be a bartender with a DUI, reach out to an attorney today. A lawyer can provide the information you need to understand the impact of a conviction and work tirelessly to protect you from serious consequences.
Here’s what an attorney can do to help:
- Investigate your drunk driving arrest and gather valuable evidence
- Analyze evidence, the arresting officer’s conduct, and other factors
- Use evidence to build a strong defense case
- Represent you during hearings, trials, and other proceedings
- Negotiate with prosecutors to get a favorable plea bargain
- Provide legal advice and further counsel on whether you can bartend with a DUI
Call a Los Angeles DUI Attorney to Get Started on Your Defense Today
Do not waste any time after being charged with a DUI. This type of conviction carries long-lasting negative effects that can affect all aspects of your life, including your job or career. If you want to be a bartender, you may still be able to obtain your bartender license with a DUI, but you must act quickly and hire a skilled lawyer.
Contact Los Angeles DUI Attorney today to schedule a free consultation and find out if you can be a bartender with a DUI. We’ll provide the information and resources you need to understand your current situation and navigate the legal process effectively.