You can get your DUI charges reduced in California by hiring a lawyer to handle a plea bargain with the prosecution. A Los Angeles DUI lawyer can also take steps to get your criminal charges dismissed or represent you in court.
A criminal defense attorney typically focuses on blocking evidence or disputing the legitimacy of an arrest by a police officer to get DUI charges reduced. You can learn more about your legal options after an arrest for driving under the influence (DUI) by calling or completing our online contact form.
How Do You Reduce DUI Charges in California?
A lawyer may help you reduce your DUI charges through a plea bargain. A charge reduction may only become available in certain circumstances.
Your prior criminal history, particularly in relation to DUI charges, plays a big factor in your ability to successfully seek a charge reduction.
How can you get your DUI charges reduced in California? In California, there are two general charge reductions you might seek. Lawyers may seek DUI plea bargains involving:
Wet Reckless Driving
Under certain circumstances, you can plead to a “wet reckless” driving charge instead of a DUI. This charge is not one an officer will use to arrest you but is available at the prosecutor’s discretion. A wet reckless charge may represent a better option than a DUI conviction.
A wet reckless charge can come with a fee that’s a third of what you would pay if convicted of a DUI. Likewise, there’s a 90-day maximum jail sentence for a wet reckless charge instead of the one-year maximum for repeated DUI offenses.
In addition, there is no criminal license suspension for a wet reckless charge. While a wet reckless charge can be considered a lesser offense due to its decreased punishments, it is similar enough to a DUI charge that you may not want to jump on the offer.
Dry Reckless Driving
The prosecution may offer a dry reckless driving charge to some people arrested for a DUI if they had a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) less than the legal limit of 0.08%. Sometimes, the prosecution presents this offer to drivers with no prior DUI history.
Unlike its “wet” counterpart, a dry reckless driving charge will not count against you if you face DUI charges within 10 years of your initial arrest. Likewise, it entails a lower range of fines and less time on probation, and both jail and DUI education programs are off the table.
You will still face a minimum fine of $145 and receive two points on your license. A dry reckless conviction can still affect your insurance rates even with an otherwise clean record. A lawyer can provide more information about plea bargains for DUI charges.
What Are the Chances of Getting Your DUI Reduced in California?
Your chances of getting a DUI reduced will depend on where your DUI happened and the circumstances. Hiring a criminal defense lawyer can improve your chances of securing a lesser charge.
The professionals recommend against accepting a plea bargain without consulting with a lawyer. The prosecution may attempt to convince you to take a deal that works against your best interests.
How Do You Reduce Your DUI Sentence in California
California law does allow judges some discretion in sentencing. A judge may sentence you to as little as two days in jail for a first-time DUI offense. The judge may waive a jail sentence entirely in exchange for probation and 12 hours of DUI education classes for certain defendants.
A lawyer can push to help you get a reduced sentence, especially for a first-time DUI. Building a solid legal defense can help you reduce potential time in jail, fines, and other penalties for a criminal offense.
Why Try to Reduce Your DUI Charges?
Many people try to reduce their DUI charges because:
- A DUI could impact your legal right to drive in the state
- It may limit your employment options
- It could even open the door to civil claims brought against you
- You could face mandatory jail time
- You could have to pay high fines
- You may lose your driving privileges
A plea agreement may help you avoid these penalties. You can reach out to a lawyer to find out how you can get your DUI charges reduced in California.
What Other Options Do You Have to Handle DUI Charges?
Many people can have their DUI charges dismissed, especially if a lawyer can find technical information that makes any police data inaccurate.
Getting charges for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs dismissed will allow you to avoid all penalties, including jail time, a charge on your criminal record, probation, a license suspension, and fines.
You may avoid a criminal conviction if your lawyer can prove that a law enforcement officer violated your rights or breached proper procedures during an arrest.
Can You Beat a DUI Charge in Court?
A lawyer may sometimes help you beat a DUI charge in court.
With the help of the right DUI attorney, you may mount a successful defense against a DUI charge. In general, a DUI attorney will evaluate your case for potential weaknesses in the prosecutor’s case. Your attorney may look for weaknesses involving:
Chemical Testing
Did the officer inform you that refusing a chemical test after an arrest was a crime? Did the officer inform you that a chemical test was voluntary before arrest?
If the police failed to follow proper procedures when testing your blood alcohol concentration (BAC), this could help your defense.
Lack of Justification for an Arrest
An officer requires probable cause to make an arrest, and a lawyer can successfully challenge any arrest made without probable cause.
Inconsistent Testimony From a Police Officer
Did the officer mistake who was driving the vehicle? Did the officer testify to a BAC of 0.08%, but his report stated a 0.06% BAC? A lawyer may look at these factors when considering possible defense strategies.
These are not the only potential defenses you can mount against a DUI charge. A trained DUI attorney will be able to examine the unique facts of your case and devise the best legal defense for the charges.
Hire a Lawyer to Reduce Your DUI Charges
Can you get your DUI charges reduced in California? A lawyer can help with the plea bargaining process to handle the reduction of charges if you face a DUI arrest. Your attorney may also take steps to have the court dismiss your charges and represent you in court.
Don’t let the stress of fighting a DUI charge alone get you down – contact us today!