You can face a DUI charge if you are driving an ATV or off-road vehicle. DUI charges for ATV and off-road vehicle operators are the same as those for motorists. This means you can receive a fine or jail time if you drive an ATV or off-road vehicle while under the influence of alcohol.
If you are charged with a DUI while driving an ATV or off-road vehicle in Los Angeles, legal help is available. Get in touch with a Los Angeles DUI lawyer. From here, your attorney can help you figure out the best way to dispute your DUI charge.
How California’s DUI Laws Apply to ATVs and Off-Road Vehicles
California applies its DUI laws to ATVs, off-road vehicles, and other motor vehicles, such as:
- Dirt bikes
- Golf carts
- Snowmobiles
In California, anyone riding a motor vehicle age 21 or older must have a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) under 0.08%. For individuals riding a motor vehicle that are under 21, they must have a BAC under 0.01%. California has laws in place relating to the legally permissible BAC of people that have a DUI probation or commercial driver’s license or drive a passenger for hire.
The bottom line: if you are driving an ATV, off-road vehicle, or any other motor vehicle in California, you can be punished. You can be charged with a misdemeanor or felony. On top of that, your DUI charge can affect you long into the future.
What Can Happen if You Are Found Operating an ATV or Off-Road Vehicle While Under the Influence
Do not expect a police officer to go easy on you if you are intoxicated while operating an ATV or off-road vehicle. The officer may ask you to take a preliminary alcohol screening (PAS) test if they believe you may be intoxicated. Even if you take a PAS, the police officer may require you to take a blood or urine test as well.
A PAS test is optional, and you are not legally required to take it. However, you cannot refuse a PAS test if you are under 21 or on probation for a DUI. If you ultimately take a PAS test and are charged with a DUI, you may still be able to contest the test results.
You can partner with a DUI lawyer in Los Angeles following a PAS test and DUI charge. Your attorney can review your case and help you develop a legal strategy. In some instances, a DUI attorney in Los Angeles may encourage their client to consider a plea agreement to resolve any charges against them.
What to Expect if You Are Convicted of an ATV or Off-Road Vehicle DUI
The penalties associated with a DUI conviction in California can be severe. You may have your driver’s license suspended or revoked due to a DUI conviction. Also, you can face jail time, have to pay a fine, and have your vehicle impounded.
A DUI conviction stays on your driver’s record for 10 years. If you receive additional DUIs following your initial one, you can get additional penalties. Your DUI conviction can impact your reputation and hamper your ability to land your dream job in certain industries.
If you get out in front of a DUI charge, you are well equipped to dispute it. A Los Angeles DUI attorney can get started on your legal defense as soon as you present them with your case. If your attorney believes the prosecutor in your case may be open to a plea bargain, your attorney can help you put a settlement together.
Why It Can Be Beneficial to Propose a Plea Bargain if You Face an ATV or Off-Road Vehicle DUI Charge
You cannot change the fact that you have been charged with a DUI in California. Regardless, you can show a prosecutor that you are willing to accept responsibility for your actions. With a plea agreement, you can agree to a lesser penalty in exchange for taking responsibility for your decision to operate an ATV or off-road vehicle while under the influence.
In addition, a plea bargain gives you the opportunity to set the terms of your punishment. If you want to avoid a DUI conviction, you may be able to propose terms that allow you to do just that. By presenting a plea agreement that lines up with a prosecutor’s expectations, you may be able to get it approved and move past your DUI charge.
A Los Angeles DUI lawyer can help you weigh the pros and cons of presenting a plea agreement. Your attorney can walk you through what it means to propose a plea agreement and what can happen if the offer is approved, rejected, or countered. Next, you can decide if it is in your best interests to present a plea agreement.
How an ATV or Off-Road Vehicle DUI Charge Gets Resolved without a Plea Agreement
You and the prosecutor in your DUI case may try to negotiate a plea bargain. Despite your best efforts, you may struggle to achieve your desired result. This means you will be required to contest your DUI charge in court.
An LA DUI lawyer will help you build and execute a legal strategy. The ideal strategy varies based on the defendant, their case, and other factors. Your attorney works with you to craft a strategy to help you compel the court to rule in your favor.
Your lawyer commits time, energy, and resources to create a legal strategy. If your attorney compels the court to rule in your favor, you may have your DUI charge reduced or dismissed. Most importantly, you may be able to avoid a DUI conviction.
Choose a Los Angeles DUI Attorney to Help You Resolve Your ATV or Off-Road Vehicle DUI Charge
You can partner with a Los Angeles DUI attorney that does everything possible to help you contest your ATV or off-road vehicle DUI charge. To learn more or speak with a DUI attorney, please contact us online.