Individuals can get a ticket for running a stop sign in California under CA Vehicle Code 22450. A stop sign violation in California can result in a traffic citation, fines, and a point added to your license.
Running a stop sign can prompt a law enforcement officer to look for signs that an individual is driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs. If they think this is the case, they can proceed with investigating the matter, which could result in an arrest.
A Los Angeles DUI lawyer can help you in situations involving a stop sign violation in California.
What Is CA Vehicle Code 22450 – Running a Stop Sign in California?
California Vehicle Code § 22450 mandates that drivers come to a complete stop as they approach a stop sign. They also must stop at a limit line if one clearly appears on the pavement. They can face significant penalties for failing to adhere to the law if they don’t.
What Is a Complete Stop?
A complete stop involves stopping all forward movement of a vehicle. Depending on the road’s layout and signage, the car must come to a full and complete halt before the stop line, crosswalk, or intersection.
A complete stop is not:
- A rolling stop: This maneuver, sometimes called a “California stop,” occurs when the vehicle slows but does not fully stop moving before proceeding through the stop sign.
- Stopping beyond the line: If the vehicle comes to a stop with the front end extending past the limit line, crosswalk, or into the intersection, it’s not a complete stop under the law.
- Pausing only: Drivers who do this reduce their speed significantly, but the wheels do not come to a full stop.
- Stopping only when spotted: Some drivers stop only when seeing law enforcement or other vehicles rather than at the stop sign.
- Creeping forward: This involves making a stop but then inching forward to see traffic without coming to a complete stop.
Drivers who do not obey stop sign laws can get a ticket from a police officer.
What Is a ‘Limit Line’?
The “limit line” is painted on the road, indicating where vehicles must stop when obeying traffic signals or signs. If a limit line is present at a stop sign, drivers must stop the car so that no part of its front end crosses this line before proceeding.
If there is no limit line, the vehicle must stop before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection. If there is no crosswalk, the car should stop at the entrance to the intersecting roadway.
California drivers must also stop at all railroad crossings. As you approach the railroad grade, you must stop on the line before you cross. Even if no limit lines or stop signs are present, drivers must perform a special stop before entering the railroad grade.
Penalties and Consequences of Running a Stop Sign
If you run a stop sign in California, you could pay a fine of $238 plus court costs. CA Vehicle Code 22450 – Running a Stop Sign in California violations may require you to pay a fine and attend traffic school.
However, you can challenge the ticket in court. You will earn one point on your driver’s license if the court convicts you of running a stop sign.
Collecting too many points on your license can result in license suspension and higher insurance rates.
Do Not Ignore a Ticket for Running a Stop Sign in California
You can ignore your traffic ticket, but there are consequences. Failing to acknowledge the violation and take action can bring additional penalties and fines. For example, someone who does not attend a court hearing after receiving a ticket can face a CA Vehicle Code 40508a – Failure to Appear for a Traffic Ticket charge.
While violations under California Vehicle Code 22450 – Running a Stop Sign in California are only infractions, charges for failure to appear (FTA) are misdemeanors. You can pay a fine and face up to a year in jail if you fail to appear. The state can also suspend or withhold your driving privileges until you go to court or pay the fines.
That is why it helps to hire a lawyer who can fight the ticket for you.
What to Do if Running a Stop Sign Leads to a DUI Case?
If you run a stop sign and an officer sees you and pulls you over for violating a traffic law, this represents a legally justified stop as an enforcement of California’s traffic laws. Routine stops for minor traffic violations do not automatically lead to a DUI case.
However, if an officer interacted with you to address the traffic violation but suspected you were impaired, they could investigate for DUI. Signs that suggest someone is driving under the influence include:
- Slurred speech
- The smell of alcohol on the driver’s breath
- Red, watery eyes
- Slowed motor skills
- Confused or erratic behavior
- Erratic or dangerous driving behavior
DUI Field Sobriety Tests and Chemical Tests
If the officer suspected signs of DUI based on initial observations, they may have asked you to perform a DUI field sobriety test. These tests help assess a driver’s physical and cognitive functions to determine impairment.
Get a Lawyer’s Help for a DUI Case After a Stop Sign Citation
When a stop sign violation leads to fighting a DUI charge, an attorney can use several defense strategies to contest the charges. These defenses can address the initial traffic stop, and the DUI charge itself.
Defenses Related to the Stop Sign Violation
A lawyer can argue the following when challenging a violation for running a stop sign in California:
- Improper signage: Sometimes, stop signs are not viewable or in the right place. The city may not have properly maintained it, making it hard for you to see and comply with.
- Mistaken fact: A lawyer can try to prove that you stopped, but the officer did not have a clear view of the stop line and the vehicle’s relative position.
- Necessity or emergency: If you ran the stop sign while responding to an emergency, such as needing to rush someone to the hospital, this could justify your failure to stop.
You can contact a legal professional to learn more about defenses for CA Vehicle Code 2245— Running a Stop Sign in California allegations.
Defenses Specific to the DUI Charge
Your lawyer can also address charges regarding your DUI case, such as:
- Challenging the traffic stop’s legality: A lawyer can question the officer’s decision to stop you and argue that any direct and circumstantial evidence gathered during the stop (including DUI test results) is inadmissible in court.
- Inaccurate field sobriety tests: Your lawyer can set out to prove field sobriety tests were incorrectly administered or that factors such as medical conditions, disabilities, or even poor weather made the tests unreliable.
- Inaccurate breathalyzer or chemical tests: An attorney can challenge whether the reading on a breathalyzer or other chemical test was accurate. Possible reasons for an erroneous reading include a malfunctioning device or operator error.
- Rising blood alcohol concentration: Your law firm could use a rising BAC defense in a DUI case, which requires a lawyer to show that your BAC level was below the legal limit while driving but increased to an unlawful level by the time you took a DUI test.
- Lack of probable cause for arrest: This defense strategy involves showing how the officer did not have enough cause to arrest you on DUI charges based on their observations and evidence from the traffic stop.
Each case will depend on the specific facts and evidence available, so these defenses need to shift based on the circumstances of the incident.
Get Help After a Stop Sign Violation in California
CA Vehicle Code 22450 – Running a Stop Sign in California violations can lead to a stop sign ticket. If you or a loved one is facing a DUI charge after failing to stop at a stop sign, a Los Angeles DUI lawyer can protect your rights and seek the best outcome for your situation.
You can reach out to us to learn more about California’s laws. Call or contact us online today to explore your legal options.