Prostitution is a criminal offense in California. This applies to all parties involved in a prostitution transaction. There can be instances in which a prostitution charge is related to a DUI arrest, too.
For those facing charges of prostitution and DUI in California, hiring an attorney can be beneficial. A Los Angeles DUI lawyer offers resources to help a defendant contest a DUI charge. In addition, a DUI attorney in Los Angeles can teach a defendant about CA Penal Code 647(b).
What CA Penal Code 647(b) Means in a DUI Case
CA Penal Code 647(b) states it is against the law to solicit or engage in prostitution in California. Those who violate this code can receive jail time and fines. The penalties associated with violating this code escalate based on the number of times a person is charged with solicitation or engagement in prostitution activities.
In a Los Angeles DUI case, a defendant can be charged with solicitation or engagement in prostitution and a DUI. If this occurs, the defendant must figure out the best way to dispute both charges. At this point, it may be in the defendant’s best interests to hire a Los Angeles DUI attorney.
A DUI lawyer in Los Angeles can review any charges against a defendant. From here, the lawyer can offer legal guidance and support. The attorney can even provide legal strategies that the defendant may use to get their charges eliminated or reduced.
How to Defend Against a Prostitution Charge in California
The best way to contest a prostitution charge in California varies based on the facts of the case. Common legal defense options for prostitution charges include:
Entrapment occurs when a police officer causes a person to commit a crime. For entrapment to occur, a police officer must set up a crime to happen that otherwise would not occur. With an entrapment defense, a defendant may claim that a police officer said certain types of conduct were not illegal or took other actions to get this individual to engage in criminal activity.
Insufficient Evidence
A prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a defendant is guilty of prostitution. This requires the prosecutor to present evidence to support their claim against a defendant. If the prosecutor cannot provide an adequate body of evidence, a defendant can raise doubts about the prostitution claim.
Attacking the Police Officer’s Credibility
A police officer may not record a prostitution incident and all of the details surrounding it. This can undermine a police officer’s credibility. A defendant can use the fact that an officer did not take the necessary steps to report the incident to contest the validity of a prostitution charge.
When it comes to charges of DUI and prostitution in Los Angeles, hiring a lawyer is critical. A DUI attorney in Los Angeles knows the ins and outs of CA Penal Code 647(b) and related statutes. The lawyer can analyze a defendant’s case and help this individual decide how to dispute any charges.
What to Expect During Prostitution Case Negotiations
A defendant facing DUI and prostitution charges has the option to negotiate with a prosecutor until a case goes to court. The defendant may offer a plea bargain that allows this individual to agree to lesser charges than those that were originally proposed. If the prosecutor and defendant agree to a plea bargain, the case is settled outside the courtroom.
Comparatively, a prosecutor can offer a plea bargain to a defendant. Doing so gives the prosecutor the opportunity to get the defendant to accept some or full responsibility for any charges. In return, the defendant can receive lesser penalties than those that were initially proposed and settle their case before a trial date.
For a defendant who is considering a plea bargain, consult with a DUI lawyer in Los Angeles. The attorney can help a defendant weigh the pros and cons of accepting a plea bargain. If a defendant ultimately decides a plea bargain falls short of their expectations, their lawyer can help this individual do what is necessary to contest any charges.
How a Los Angeles DUI Lawyer Navigates the Legal Process
A Los Angeles DUI attorney allocates time, energy, and resources to learn about a defendant’s case. For a defendant facing DUI and prostitution charges, the attorney gets details about them. Next, the attorney helps the defendant determine the best course of action with their legal proceeding.
It helps to employ a DUI attorney in Los Angeles with comprehensive legal experience and expertise. This attorney can answer any questions a defendant has about the legal system. Also, the lawyer can offer insights to ensure their client is well-equipped to contest any legal challenges that come up.
Expect a Los Angeles DUI lawyer to tailor a legal defense to their client. The attorney communicates and collaborates with a defendant as their case moves forward. Together, the lawyer and defendant explore multiple legal defenses to achieve optimal case results.
Do Not Wait to Hire a Los Angeles DUI Attorney
DUI and prostitution charges can have long-lasting ramifications. Along with jail time and fines, these charges can impact a person’s reputation within their community. The charges can also affect an individual’s ability to secure a job in education and other fields.
A Los Angeles DUI attorney helps a defendant contest criminal charges. The attorney can gather evidence and witness testimony to support a defendant’s case. This lawyer can keep their client up to date about any plea bargain proposals as well.
Hiring a DUI lawyer in Los Angeles gives a defendant the best chance of getting any criminal charges dropped or reduced. The lawyer is committed to their client’s success. As such, the attorney does everything in their power to help a defendant resolve their case.
Reach Out to a Los Angeles DUI Lawyer Today
We make it simple to connect with a Los Angeles DUI attorney who can provide insights into CA Penal Code 647(b) and other statutes. This attorney can help you build a successful argument to dispute criminal charges. To find out more, please get in touch with us today.