If you hold a commercial driver’s license, you face stricter DUI requirements and could have your license permanently suspended.

Drivers who hold a commercial driver’s license (CDL) are held to a higher standard in the state of California. If you are arrested on suspicion of DUI, you face a tougher legal battle than other drivers and the consequences can be serious. A DUI can threaten your career.

For most drivers, the legal limit is .08% BAC, and anything over this limit is a DUI. For a CDL holder, however, the limit is tighter—a mere .04% BAC. In many cases, a single drink can put you over the limit. Worse, this limit applies whether you are in your commercial vehicle or not. A DUI can endanger your CLD even if you were driving a regular car.

If you are convicted, you also face tougher penalties:

  • Your CDL will be suspended for one year, far more than other first-time drivers.
  • The suspension will likely affect your job. Most drivers can apply for a restricted license that lets them drive to and from work. But you cannot apply for a restricted CDL.
  • A second DUI conviction means you lose your CDL for life.

It is possible to fight a DUI involving a CDL. We can help. Let us connect you with an experienced Los Angeles DUI lawyer and get you a FREE consultation. Fill out the form to the right or call (310) 896-2724 and get your free consultation today.

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