Under California law, the charge of driving under the influence is not limited to alcohol. The charge can include any substance that impairs your ability to drive or make decisions. Since there is no legal threshold for drugs in a DUI, as there is with alcohol, any amount of drugs found in a person’s system could result in a DUI charge. The charge can occur even if the drug was a legally prescribed drug. If a police officer suspects that a person had drugs in their system, they may call in a special officer who is a drug recognition specialist. Additionally, they may ask for a blood or urine sample.
ABC 30 reports on a man who was driving under the influence hitting 14 cars on Highway 99.
Dramatic video captured on a cell phone shows 50-year-old Satinerjit Singh Bali driving erratically along Highway 99 from Madera to Fresno. The incident happened on Wednesday.
Bali reportedly hit a total of 14 vehicles during his journey. Police say that Bali was under the influence of drugs during the escapade.
One of the people that Bali crashed into was Angelique Milam. She was in the passenger seat of a SUV being driven by her teenage daughter.
Milam reported that they were in the fast lane near the 7th Avenue exit. Bali forced his way between Milam’s vehicle and the vehicle in front of her. There was not enough room, and Milam’s vehicle ended up locked with Bali’s vehicle.
Bali continued driving recklessly until he got off of the Shaw exit and exited his vehicle. Some of the people that Bali had hit followed him. Bystanders took a picture of the victims holding Bali until police arrived.
Bali was arrested but has been released from jail.