Study Shows DUI Arrests Increase Near Southern Border, a science news website by Science X, reports on a recent study by the Prevention Research Center of the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation regarding arrests for driving under the influence in the State of California that shows arrests increasing in correlation with the distance to the California/Mexico border, with researchers thinking this may be due to a higher level of alcohol availability in the area.

The study examined DUI arrests from 2005-2017 in California, looking at trend lines, correlations between population and location in arrest data from the California Department of Justice, demographic information from the census, density of stores selling alcohol, and distance to the border of each arrest.

Researchers found that arrest rates for all genders showed an upward trend from 2005-2008 before decreasing. They also discovered that DUI arrest rates were generally higher for people of Hispanic origin than white people, increased with proximity to the border, and varied with certain age groups. There was also correlation with the number of bars in pubs at a location,  that had more bars and pubs, areas that had either a higher average income than the norm ($100,000 or more) or a lower average income than the norm (higher percentage below the poverty line), and locations areas with higher law enforcement activity. 

The lead author of the study noted that the analysis showed a complex picture.

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