Report Shows High Rate of DUI Crashes in West Hollywood

Do parts of Los Angeles have a higher rate of DUI accidents than others? According to one report studied by, yes. West Hollywood in particular seems to have a higher rate of DUI accidents. The report states that at least one happens every week.

The report compared the DUI accident numbers of West Hollywood with other nearby cities, including Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, and Culver City. There was a significant increase in the number of DUI collisions in West Hollywood compared to these other locations. A DUI collision happens in West Hollywood twice as often as compared to the surrounding cities.

The data used to come to this conclusion comes from the California Highway Patrol. It compares the number of DUI crashes with the amount of vehicle miles traveled in each city. The full report can be found at this link by WeHoByTheNumbers.

West Hollywood does have a lot of bars. If you live or party in this part of town, be sensible and use a designated driver. Stay safe out there.

If you’ve been charged with DUI in West Hollywood or elsewhere in Los Angeles County, don’t wait. Call our offices immediately for a consultation. We can help you save your license. The consequences of a DUI conviction are severe and can last for years. Don’t let one mistake take five years of your life away. Contact us immediately.

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