If accused of a DUI, many politicians and their staff members would consider stepping down from office. Not the chief of staff for County Supervisor Curt Hagman. He says he’s staying.
Mike Spence, who is chief of staff for San Bernardino County Supervisor Curt Hagman, revealed he has no intention of resigning from his position. He made the statement on September 28. The question came after a drug-related car accident left Spence with serious injuries.
50-year-old Spence also said that he has no intention of resigning his elected position of West Covina councilman.
Spence maintains that he has no memory of a June 12 single-vehicle accident. The accident left him with a broken hip, femur, back, and a couple of ribs. Spence also says that he does not remember if he had consumed any alcohol or drugs the day of the accident.
Spence says that he is being denied access to the accident report.
Spence was cited for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. After the accident, he underwent two surgeries at Los Angeles County USC Medical Center – one was a spinal fusion and the other was to repair his hip and femur.
On September 26, the Covina Police Department announced that a toxicology report confirmed that Spence was driving under the influence of a stimulant at the time of the accident. The following Thursday, spokesperson Sgt. Gregg Peterson said that an analysis confirmed that the drug was illegal. He would not say specifically what drug was in Spence’s system.
At the time of the accident, a witness reported that Spence had been driving erratically and made an abrupt right turn. He then crashed into a utility pole. Police said that Spence appeared to be under the influence at that time.
Based on the injuries Spence received, the damage to the vehicle, and a witness statement, Spence is believed to have been driving faster than the posted speed limit of 40 m.p.h.
If you have been charged with DUI, you need legal representation. Our attorneys are all experienced in the defense of DUI charges. Contact us today.