We warned about stepped-up patrols for DUI thanks to the holiday this past weekend. Now reports are coming out about their results. The Long Beach Press-Telegram reported on what happened during the latest patrol in that region.
Thirty-five vehicles were pulled over as part of the crackdown on DUI. Ten people were cited for unsafe driving. Seven were given field sobriety tests and five were arrested for suspicion of DUI.
The intention of these patrols is to deter drunk drivers and pull them off the road. They also serve as a sort of intimidation tactic for all other drivers. We’ve all had experiences where we notice there are far more cops on the road than usual, which can make us drive a little more carefully.
The problem with patrols is that sometimes the police can be overzealous. In their urge to pull unsafe drivers off the road, an officer might make an error that could make the evidence inadmissible in court. If you are arrested for DUI, having a DUI defense lawyer on your side could mean the difference between several years of hardship and continuing to live your normal life.
Don’t let the police charge you with DUI without a fight. The long-term consequences for DUI can follow you for decades after your arrest. Contact our Los Angeles DUI Team today for a free consultation. We will do our best to fight for your interests. Call as soon as possible after your arrest.