CBS Channel 13 Sacramento News reported recently that a Folsom man is in police custody under suspicion of DUI after a Roseville accident that left his passenger dead on the afternoon of Sunday, April 4, 2021.
According to officials with the Roseville Police Department, the accident was reported between 2:55 p.m. and 3:05 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST) on Sunday, April 4, 2021 near the intersection of Woodcreek Oaks Boulevard and Liverpool Lane in Roseville, a suburb on the northeastern side of Sacramento, CA. A man from Folsom, 28 years of age, was driving north when for unknown reasons still under investigation he crossed the center line of the roadway and clipped a tree. The impact caused the vehicle to flip over and land on its roof.
Both the Folsom man and his passenger were taken to a local hospital, where the passenger was pronounced dead of injuries sustained in the accident. Investigators believe the Folsom man was driving under the influence of a controlled substance in the crash and he was arrested on suspicion of DUI, murder, and parole violation and booked into the South Placer jail following being medically cleared from the hospital. The accident is still under an active investigation.