A DUI conviction can follow you throughout the rest of your life. Many jurisdictions are cracking down on repeat DUI offenders and are beginning to start programs to monitor those who have broken this particular set of laws multiple times.
California repeated felony and misdemeanor DUI charges are a serious problem. Thanks to a $154,000 grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, the Kern County Probation Department will be able to try to ensure that repeat offenders are complying with court orders.
Due to the size of the average caseload, many probation officers are unable to actively supervise all of their cases. Those who habitually reoffend will now be able to be monitored as a part of intense supervision program where they will become part of smaller, targeted caseloads. Probation officers will be able to scrutinize drivers who have multiple misdemeanor DUI convictions as well as those who have felony convictions.
Supervision for these high-risk offenders will include unannounced home searches, random drug and alcohol testing, and special monitoring to ensure compliance in any court ordered treatment, including DUI Education and other treatment programs.
The goal of the program is to reduce the number of accidents resulting in injuries and fatalities caused by repeat DUI offenders. While California roadways are among the safest in the nation, an admirable goal of zero fatal accidents on their roadways has been set.
If you or someone you love has been accused of DUI, hiring an experienced DUI attorney should be a priority. Our attorneys are experienced in the field of DUI defense. Contact us today.