Many men and women have come up with surprise romantic proposals asking their significant other to marry them. From romantic dinners and vacations to popping the question on a birthday, holiday, or anniversary, people have picked numerous times to pop the question. One law enforcement officer decided the best way to surprise his fiancé was to stage a DUI bust as UPI reports.
What she thought was a simple DUI stop ended up changing her life, but not in the way you might think.
It was all caught on video.
Sheriff’s Deputy Kevin Bowes came up with the ultimate plan to pop the question to his girlfriend. He had to get some help, however, from fellow deputies and they were more than happy to pitch in.
Bowes had another deputy pull his girlfriend over in what she believed to be a DUI check. After asking her to get out of the car and walk a line in a field sobriety test, Bowes’s fellow officer asked the woman to turn around. While her back was to him, Bowes snuck into place.
His co-conspirator then asked Bowes’s girlfriend to turn around. There, she discovered Bowes kneeling before her, ring in hand. The unnamed fiancé shouted in excitement before kneeling to embrace Bowes.
In a statement issued by the sheriff’s office, they congratulated Bowes on completing the stunt and congratulating them.
Have you been charged with DUI? You will need experienced representation in court to defend you. Our attorneys are all well qualified in defending DUI charges. We can help. Call today.