While there has been a noticeable improvement in DUI statistics over the past decade, the statistics are still in need of improvement. In 2016 alone, 10,497 people were killed in DUI crashes. This equals out to be one person being killed in a drunk driving crash every 50 minutes over that year. Men are more likely to be involved in fatal DUI crashes than women. In 2016, women were involved in 14% of fatal crashes, compared to 21% of males. The crashes that do not involve a fatality are the lucky ones. NBC Los Angeles reports on a woman who survived a suspected DUI crash that caused a domino effect.
An incident that had a suspected DUI driver crashing into another vehicle and then overturning outside an apartment complex was caught on video.
The crash occurred on Saturday, December 9th, and it scared local residents of the apartment complex. The impact of the wreck was so forceful that it sent the parked car into another vehicle.
Residents from the apartment complex rushed to pull the driver from the vehicle. According to witnesses, several beer bottles fell out of the car.
The driver, who was not named, was crying for her baby. However, there was no infant in the car and the female driver did not look visibly pregnant.
Norwalk Sheriff’s deputies responded to the crash. The driver was transported to St. Francis Medical Center, where she was treated for moderate injuries. She was then arrested on suspicion of DUI.
Have you been arrested on DUI charges? You will need an experienced attorney to defend you against those charges. Our attorneys are all skilled in the defense of all DUI charges. Call today.