Dennis Rodman Pleads Guilty To DUI

Although alcohol affects everyone differently, at certain blood-alcohol levels you can expect a certain amount of impairment. In every state, a blood-alcohol level of 08% is considered legally drunk and it is illegal to drive at that rate. At .07% to .09%, impairment occurs in everyone. Balance, speech, and hearing are impaired. Most fatal drunk driving incidents occur at .17%. At .20% a person is significantly impaired and likely out of it and will likely require help standing or walking. Blackouts are possible at this level. The LA Times reports on Dennis Rodman pleading guilty to drunk driving with a BAC of .21%.

Former NBA star Dennis Rodman has had his share of troubles over the past couple of years.

In February of 2017, Rodman pleaded guilty to three misdemeanor charges stemming from a wrong-way accident on the 5 Freeway in Santa Ana. For those charges, he was sentenced to three years of informal probation.

On January 13, 2018, police pulled Rodman over for a traffic violation. The incident occurred at about 11 pm as he traveled on the West Coast Highway in Newport Beach. He failed a breath test – registering .21% and was arrested.

After the incident, Rodman entered a residential treatment program according to his attorney.

Last Monday, Rodman pleaded guilty to two misdemeanors. He received another three years of informal probation. The court-offered plea deal also required Rodman to enter a nine-month alcohol treatment program and pay $390 in fines.

Rodman, who was a power forward in the NBA played for numerous teams including the Chicago Bulls and the Los Angeles Lakers until he retired in 2000.


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