The Most Dangerous States for Drunk Driving

Index 7

Just like there are states that are more dangerous when it comes to violence, there are states with a higher average of DUI. Though, these states might not be the ones a person would expect. A study by revealed the most dangerous states for drunken driving.

Higher than average alcohol consumption and bad weather are likely reasons behind states in the northern midwest and northwest having the record for being the most dangerous for drunk driving.

First place in drunken driving arrests and fatalities in 2015 went to North Dakota. Montana ranked second, having the highest cost per fatality and types of laws. Idaho, Wisconsin, South Carolina and South Dakota rounded out the riskiest states for driving while impaired.

Tyler Spaul, the director of the study, theorized that the reason these states ranked so poorly was higher than normal alcohol consumption combined with dangerous driving conditions. These conditions included ice, snow, and sleet.

A 2009 study by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism stated that the highest consumption of alcohol belonged to the Dakotas, Idaho, and Wisconsin.

Montana is focused on discouraging impaired driving after 33 fatalities this year in January, February, and March alone. This is double the number for the same period in 2015. Numbers from Montana’s transportation department indicate that almost three-quarters of the state’s traffic fatalities are related to impaired driving or failure to wear a seatbelt.

For states that ranked among the lowest in drunken driving incidents, you would have to look to Utah to take the top spot. More than 2/3 of Utah’s residents are Mormons who eschew alcohol. Utah was followed closely by Indiana and Florida, which tied. Following those were Georgia and Minnesota.

The rankings were extrapolated from statistics provided by the FBI, the National Highway Traffic Safety Association, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, the Kids Count Data Center, and

35% of a states score was driving fatalities. The category counted motorists with a 0.08% blood-alcohol content or higher. 25% of the score came from drunk driving arrests. 20% of the score was based upon drunken driving laws and penalties for driving under the influence. Cost per fatality accounted for 10% of each state’s score. Laws to discourage drunken driving accounted for another 10% of each state’s score.

If you have been charged with DUI, you will need representation in court. Our lawyers are all experienced in DUI defense. Contact us today.

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