An ignition interlock device, often abbreviated as IID, is a device that is installed on a vehicle that tests the driver’s blood-alcohol content. The driver must blow into the device to start the car, then a second test about 5 – 15 minutes after starting the car, and tests about every 45 minutes. The driver must take the test within about six minutes or have the missed test count as a fail. This gives the driver time to turn over. Previously, only those who had been ordered to install an IID by a judge or those who lived in certain counties were required to install an IID after a DUI conviction. Now, if the DUI involved injuries or a person wants their license back sooner, an IID must be installed.
CBS 8 reports on the increased efforts of the CHP over the New Year’s holiday, targeting impaired drivers.
Over the New Year’s holiday, beginning at 6:01 p.m. Friday through 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, the California Highway Patrol promised increased enforcement, with every officer available to be on duty.
The CHP promised to focus on all types of impairment: Alcohol, cannabis, and other legal or illegal drugs that can impair a person’s ability to drive. They also promised to focus on reckless and distracted driving. Also, on the agenda were to look out for seatbelt violations.
In 2017, forty people died on California roadways in DUI collisions over the New Year’s enforcement period. More than two-thirds were not wearing seat belts.
Beginning in 2019, people who are convicted of a DUI who wish to get their full driving privileges back must install an IID. First time DUI offenders who do not cause injuries to others may choose between installing an IID for six months or having a restricted license for a year. People who cause injuries with their DUI must have the interlock device installed.
The more DUIs a person is convicted of, the longer the IID must stay on the vehicle.