Brandon Davis Heads to Rehab

Crashed car

Celebrities and socialites aren’t exempt from DUI laws. Though it may seem that they often get off easier than the average citizen, they do face penalties. Unlike average citizens, their cases often make the news as well.

Brandon Davis, an heir to an oil empire and socialite, faced DUI charges stemming from an October incident. The incident occurred on October 15th and involved Davis crashing his Mercedes-Benz in Los Angeles. Davis subsequently failed a blood-alcohol test and was charged with DUI on December 15th.

Davis had previous trouble with the law. In 2011, his legal team negotiated a plea deal. He was facing charges of cocaine possession and battery. He escaped jail time but had to undergo drug diversion therapy after taking the plea deal.

In his most recent scrape with the law, Davis faced six months behind bars. Davis managed to escape that fate when he pled no contest to the charges. The deal requires Davis to undergo a six-month alcohol treatment program. He must also provide 10 days of community service. He will be on probation for 3 years.

Davis suffered injuries in the crash that led to his DUI charges. He has been seen with fellow socialite Paris Hilton often. The two are friends and spend time together.

If you have been charged with DUI, it is imperative that you obtain legal representation for your hearing. You will want an attorney who is experienced with criminal DUI proceedings. Such an attorney may help to negotiate the best outcome for your situation. Our attorneys are all experienced with DUI charges. Contact us today.

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